Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 7, 2018

Cloud computing has conquered the IT industry in Europe

The annual trend study "CIO Barometer 2012" by CSC shows: Seven out of ten IT decision makers worldwide see cloud computing as the most important task area for their area. For comparison: In 2011, change and development processes still led the agenda in the IT departments. Cloud computing was mentioned by only one in four experts.

America is still a pioneer in the cloud initiatives. 81 percent of surveyed US experts rated such concepts as the most important topic. In Europe, this already supports 60 percent. At the same time, the understanding of cloud computing - ie the provision of IT services by specialized providers via the Internet - is changing dramatically. IT professionals in the enterprise are increasingly no longer just understanding the cloud as a mere outsourcing alternative, but rather as a source for new approaches to solutions in information technology.

"Managed security offerings in the cloud are a vivid example of how cloud computingIT departments are finding new ways to deal with future challenges, "says Gerhard Fercho, CEO of CSC in Germany. "With soaring computer crime cases across the Internet, cloud experts are working closely with science to develop the best possible new security standards. For example, CSC has opened a new Cybersecurity Demonstration Center in Berlin this year. Together with the renowned Fraunhofer Institute and industry partners, cloud solutions are being worked on to ensure a new level of security in security. The bundled research engagement offers real added value for the IT departments in the companies, "says Fercho.
Innovation through cloud

In addition to cloud projects, IT decision makers in the USA and Europe focus on accelerating innovation processes (60 percent), business change and development processes (60 percent), and integrating them into strategic issues (59 percent).

Asked about the most important contribution of IT departments to corporate success, IT decision makers emphasize their role as providers of ideas for new developments. 65 percent said they were significant drivers of value creation by using new technologies.
About CIO Barometer 2012

The CIO Barometer has been performed for the fourth time this year. TNS Sofres surveyed 332 CIOs, IT directors and IT managers from companies in Europe (48 percent) and the US (52 percent) for the latest edition of the Trend Study. 74 percent of the companies involved in the survey employ more than 1,000 people.

Cloud computing has conquered the IT industry in Europe Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Trang

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